Kathryn & Aaron

September 14, 2024 • Athens, GA, USA

Kathryn & Aaron

September 14, 2024 • Athens, GA, USA

Wedding Party

Brooke Baldwin - Maid of honor
Brooke and Kathryn go all the way back to junior high. However, it wasn't until they both moved back to Atlanta, with mixed feelings, in their late 20s that their steadfast adult friendship truly began. Brooke has taught Kathryn a lot about friendship and loving truth telling, and they share a commitment to "daring greatly" and trying to be more comfortable with not having it all figured out. Brooke lives in LA with her partner, Peter.
Elisabeth Irwin - Bridesmaid
Elisabeth is one of the first people Kathryn ever considered to be her "best friend" (in eighth grade). To this day, Kathryn remembers Elisabeth's family's landline number by heart. Elisabeth's husband, Jim, is also a lifelong friend (Kathryn went to college with each of them - at different schools!), and Kathryn considers these two extended family. They have three amazing kids and live in Atlanta.
Howard Carey - Bridesman
Kathryn and Howard met in 2013 in Austin when Howard bought a coat rack Kathryn had made at his friend's Design Build Adventure camp. They quickly bonded over many shared interests (and a shared esoteric job title) and managed to grow their friendship despite the miles between them. Kathryn is grateful for Howard, who's been a stalwart friend to her ever since. Howard resides in Austin, where he's a fixture in the creative and sandlot baseball communities.
Beth Seling - Bridesmaid
Beth was Kathryn's best friend in college, where the two of them spent a lot of time contemplating and speculating about the men they would someday marry. Their favorite shared pastime is riding around on country roads with the windows down and the music up. Beth and her husband, Eric, live in suburban Chicago with their three kids, whom Kathryn aspires to know better.
Caroline Maier - Bridesmaid
Kathryn's and Caroline's friendship started when they shared a car up to their fifth-year college reunion, where they proceeded to have the time of their lives. Some of Kathryn's favorite memories from her 20s were trips to Caroline's family's vacation home in northern Michigan, near where she now lives with her talented potter husband, Ben, and their three boys.
Kurt Rampton - Best man
Kurt and his twin brother Christopher were two of the first friends Aaron made after moving to Atlanta in 2006. Kurt is an extremely talented designer with exquisite musical tastes. Kurt and his wife Gwyn were the first friends Aaron introduced Kathryn to early in their relationship. The couples have enjoyed numerous trips together to Idaho, Costa Rica, and Vermont.
Emily Mann - Groomswoman
Aaron's younger sister Emily has been a huge source of support and inspiration throughout his life. She's the reason Aaron moved to Atlanta and got his life on track. Emily is a professional artist - her work graces the wedding invitations. In addition to running a successful business, she has somehow found time to raise three children with her husband David.
Chris Jones - Groomsman
Aaron has probably spent more time riding with Chris than anyone else in his life. Chris is always up for Aaron's (sometimes) harebrained adventures. As an Eagle Scout and all-around outdoorsman, Chris is always prepared and keeps a level head if and when things go sideways.
Yoni Pollak - Groomsman
Aaron met Yoni while looking for a place to live, and the two quickly bonded over their love of going fast on things with wheels. Yoni gets credit for introducing Aaron to motorcycles, much to the dismay of his mom and sisters.
Christopher Rampton - Groomsman
Christopher is known for his big personality, relentless positivity, and sense of humor. He is truly one of the funniest people you will ever meet - get Christopher and Aaron together and you're guaranteed to have a good time.